After the flood ended Noah sent off a raven first then a dove. The raven flew off and flew over the face of the earth until the water on the earth disappeared while the dove flew off the first time not finding a place to land came back to the ark. It was sent out again the second time it came back with an olive leave in its mouth and it was at the third attempt that it did not come back.
In business, the raven and dove represent two kinds of entrepreneurs and their route to getting started and established in life. The first category is the raven people. They need just a push to launch off and will face whatever life throws at them and whatever challenge that comes their way until things improve and they find their feet. They will never come back to ask for more resources or encouragement. Just like the raven flew around until the water subsided and gave it land to land, the raven entrepreneurs will take off in a seemingly unsurpassable challenge, do whatever it takes to survive until things improve because they are sure even if they do not know how or why that things will definitely get better for them in a matter of time.
The second category is the dove people. They will launch off, finding the challenges tough, return to their initial position. They are those who are more likely to return to paid employment after they experience the challenge involved in starting a business. Such people need people around them that even after the first failure they can be helped to relaunch again.
Just as the dove returned with an olive branch in its mouth, the dove entrepreneurs will at the achievement of a little success feel satisfied and come back to settle down but those around them must not allow them to bask in the euphoria of a little success and come home to retire. They must be motivated again to try and keep on trying until they are confident enough to go off and face whatever challenge they see without rush back to the safety of their former comfort zone.
Both the raven and the dove eventually found dry ground but by different route. Every entrepreneur must on launching out determine if he is a raven or a dove so that he can know in advance how to navigate the waters of a new business. If a dove person thinks he is a raven, he will be crushed by the challenges and never be able to get up. If a Raven person thinks he is a dove, he will delay unnecessarily and miss out on some opportunities he could have grabbed from the challenges he ran away from
I think we will be able to transform lives and businesses from the bible principle